Dear Readers,
This is the halfway point in
the web self-publishing experiment wherein I am posting one very short story a
week for twelve weeks here at ‘Very short stories are us.’ As always I am
grateful for your participation.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Sharpe
Story #6
It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Andrew was known
around town as the one who paid for other people’s groceries and scooped up
other people’s dogs’ poop. Then one night Jack started buying him drinks in a
bar. When Jack went to the bathroom the bartender, who loved Andrew, as everyone
did, told him to thank Jack and wish him a good night and go home and not look
back. Just before going to the bathroom, however, Jack had said something
lovely about Andrew’s face, and Andrew hadn’t had sex in four months and was
only 32, so he ignored the bartender’s advice. They went back to Jack’s place
and there was nothing weird that night or the next morning or the next dozen
nights and mornings. Andrew did think Jack’s apartment could use a little
cleaning though, so on a Saturday two weeks after they met, when Jack went out to
run some errands, Andrew swept, vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, straightened up
Jack’s papers, did a few loads of laundry, and alphabetized the 50 or so books
Jack had on his shelf. When Jack got home and saw what Andrew had done he
literally clutched his own chest as if he were having a heart attack. He
stumbled over to his couch, which no longer was covered with newspapers, and
fell back onto it. “What have you done?”
he said. “I just thought—” “No! Shut up!” Jack stood up and ran at Andrew. He
clocked Andrew not very hard in the side of the head and Andrew used an aikido
move he’d learned in his twenties to push Jack lightly into the refrigerator.
Andrew knew things could go either way at this point. Jack started kicking the
wall like an insane person. After three hard kicks there was a hole in the
wall, and Jack kept kicking the hole bigger and bigger. Andrew was getting
scared and inched toward the door. With one of his crazy kicks Jack broke
through something inside the wall and several hundred cockroaches poured out
onto the floor at Jack’s feet. Jack stopped kicking. He stood there panting and
looked with curiosity down at the cockroaches moving in a fury at his feet, so
densely packed together that you couldn’t see the linoleum. They climbed onto
Jack’s shoes and up inside his pants leg. Jack smiled at Andrew. He raised his
fists over his head. “Aaaaaaaaaah!” he shouted. “I am the King of the
Cockroaches!” “Oh my God,” Andrew said under his breath, “I think I love this
This... is the best thing I've ever read.